Tree Services Are Making More Money with Fewer Jobs by Using This Simple Handbook!

Inject Confidence Into Your Customers Mind With a Professional System You Can Use Today

This Sell More Tree Work Handbook is Guaranteed to Close You More Deals!

About the "Sell More Tree Work" Handbook...

There's no better feeling than showing up to a good paying tree job with coffee in the thermos and a few fresh chains knowing that you're gonna put all the lumber on the ground, you're gonna get paid well, and that the customer is going to be stoked about your work. 

But there's no worse feeling than scrounging for jobs, low bidding the competition and struggling to get paid when the job is over. 

And feeling exhausted and burnt out on your days off. 

I know because I've seen both sides of this coin.  

I've busted my ass beyond muscle failure for peanuts and I've made a weeks pay by Monday at Lunch. 

I'd rather make a weeks pay by Monday at Lunch. 

Then just get right back at it on Tuesday. 

Sure takes the pressure off the rest of the week. 

And now I'm able to do so as my schedule allows. 

Because I'm a busy man and I don't always have time to be serving customers, I can turn my flow of leads on and off like a faucet. 

And I always have a back log of work

Sometimes I work three days a week. 

Sometimes I work eight

But I never worry about my next job.

The key to my success was having a step by step process to follow with industry specific tips and tricks in order to instill confidence in my customers and help get me into their checkbooks easier than tipping a leaner right down the line. 

The other thing that really brought my business up was having a plan to give my customers a clear cut action to take in order to say yes

Sometimes, if a customer doesn't know exactly how to say yes, they'll just say something like "I'll get back to you" or "Let me get a few more bids". 

That's frustrating because you know that guy is never calling you back.

But if you have a clear cut description of the scope of work, clear and concise terms and conditions and you carry a copy of your insurance with you while doing bids, I promise you're going to close more sales. 

This Sell More Tree Work Handbook will help you do just that, close more sales and at higher margins

About Red Beard

"If it's not easy, you're doing it wrong!"

Sean “Red Beard” Klongerbo is a professional and hardworking, S-212 Certified Chainsaw Operator and Wildfire Mitigation Specialist with over a decade and a half of experience as an entrepreneur. He also has a degree in Diesel Technology and an FAA Part 107 UAV License. 
Sean works with his team to provide quality services for his clients by maintaining a keen eye, attention to detail and effective communication. A man of many talents, he is best described as an entrepreneurial warrior. Above all, Sean is a man of community values and strives to help others in his industry not only survive but thrive in both their personal life and in their business. 
Sean passionately serves his clients with extensive knowledge regarding the ownership and operations of a Tree Service Business. He is consistently expanding his skillset and staying on top of trends and up-to-date strategies. 

With Sean’s background in his niche, it’s no question why he is the perfect mentor. Sean brings a combination of compassionate coaching and persistent challenge to the process, whether you are looking to elevate your business or streamline your systems. His expertise, stemming from his own success, allows you to have complete confidence in every step of your transactions. 
Red Beard’s track record spans nationwide with the results he brings to other Tree Service companies. Sean values integrity above all else, which is why he created a surefire way to help assist business owners like himself from cutting corners. If your aim is to increase your margins, close more deals and gain priceless insight to your tree service , search no further than Sean Klongerbo. 

Over the years, the company has not only built a solid reputation in its’ local community but an extensive network of industry professionals.  Red Beard Cutting and Clearing sets the standard for customer satisfaction and quality work.  Leveraging an above average skillset and a desire to serve relentlessly, Red Beard proudly uses only the best business practices and techniques to maintain their exceptional rate of referred business, which is the best kind of business to receive. 

Ever find yourself thinking, “I really need a sales contract, with a clear cut scope of work, concise terms and conditions, and a professional format.”? Some Leading Tree Service Specialists insist on a long-winded, legalistic sales contract. But the real problem is that most people do not understand or read them because they are long and difficult to comprehend.  But let's be honest, most tree services don't have ANY sales contracts. Which is why Red Beard spent endless hours putting together contracts for his own business. Contracts with one goal in mind. To sell more jobs and at higher margins. These contracts have been battle tested and flat out work. 

Either you can hire a lawyer for thousands, spend endless hours creating a customized document from scratch -- OR -- you can just use our Tree Service Contract Templates with your own details plugged in. Big or small, Red Beard helps em’ all.

"It would seriously take you $2,000 to build what Red Beard has here..."

Kyle Armijo

"Without a system you're basically gambling with your livelihood."

Austin Fielder

"For the price you can’t go wrong!"

Dan Vosberg

Letter From The Editor

Do You Want To Consistently Make Over $100K per Year in Your Tree Business?

Hey Guys,
I know everyone is at a different point in their tree cutting career or business but I just wanted to put this little offer together not just because it's snowing here in Minnesota in December as I write this but because I know there are lots of people out there that just need a little direction to take their tree service to the place where it needs to be.

Maybe you've been in the business for years and you've always just done handshake deals but you've finally decided it's about time to get things in writing. 

Or maybe you're just a saw, a pick-up truck and a dream and you really want to take your professionalism up to the point where you can charge an $800 minimum just to pick up the saw without even batting an eyelash. 

Either way, this handbook is going to give you a sales tool to help you close more sales, cut down more trees and make more money doing it.

I'm Sean Klongerbo, but everyone just calls me Red Beard, You can call me anything you want to just don't call me after dinner cuz I'll be OUT COLD!! (I sleep great every night.)

Anyway, enjoy the handbook. And let me know how it works out for you!

Copyright 2022 - - "If it's Not Easy, You're Doing it Wrong!"